You will guide me with Your counsel, and afterward receive me to glory.
Psalm 73:24

I have totally lost the concept of what “settling in” even means nowadays.

If it means:
boxes piled high in a couple rooms and the garage… then I’m settled in.
half of the furniture set up…
half of the dishes in the cabinets…
furniture in your house that doesn’t belong to you…
pictures hung on existing nails…

Oh my, we have far to go!

But if it also means being with family, then we have settled in:
Going with Alana to meet her new college roommate
Spending two weeks with Katelyn going to the beach and shopping for her new and exciting life in Nashville
Moving Katelyn to Nashville over the Fourth of July
Attending Camp War Eagle with Alana
Driving Alana to Birmingham so she could ride with a friend to The Oaks Retreat
Taking a weekend to visit my dad and step-mother
Attending a wedding where Katelyn was a bridesmaid
Volunteering with daughter-in-law Jill with Ransom Cafe feeding homeless people
Visiting a new and different church every Sunday

Right now it’s all about family.These are precious moments, seeing my youngest two children moving into adult jobs and college. Time with them is so important. The house will come later. Move in day at Auburn is August 13. August 14 is demo day!

When Alana started kindergarten everyone told me I’d be a basket case. Instead, I skipped home from the bus stop and painted the dining room red! I kinda feel the same now with Alana starting college. I’ll skip (drive) all the way home and kick down a wall! 🙂 We will see…

As always, instead of Going Crazy, I’m Going Gentry!


2 thoughts on “Settling In

  1. LeAnn,
    You are an amazing women, wife and mother. I miss talking with you in the office and soaking in your wisdom about so many things to try and be those 3 people to my family and you listening to me and sharing your advice on what was going on with my life. You always told me that when Alana graduated high school you and Race were going to move close to the beach and you have done just that. Each of your children have been given the map to the road of life by your’s and Race’s Godly example. I am so happy for you all! Miss you!


    1. Dana, thanks so much for the sweet comments. You are always close to my heart and I think of you often. I miss you dearly. We’ll have a phone catch up time soon! Love you friend!


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