Going Places

“The LORD is my portion,” says my soul, “therefore I have hope in Him.”

Lamentations 3:24


At the start of 2015 we began packing up the our home in preparation of putting it on the market. This included several projects from re-staining the deck to purchasing stainless appliances, painting trim and power washing the driveway. We even loaded a truck and hauled at least 1/2 of our stuff to Loxley, Alabama (our new location).

We were officially on the market April 25. And sold our home in eleven days! May 29 we had to be out. A blessing. Read more

Hello world!

Welcome to Going Gentry. This is my place to go when I need to share and express myself during this crazy, busy life that involves eight adults, four dogs, at least six cats, two or three birds, and who knows how many other exotic animals. We are located from Houston to Mobile, to Loxley, to Auburn, to Nashville. We work hard at staying in touch with each other as we are all in the middle of new homes, new jobs, new schools, new cities… life has changed but instead of going crazy, I’m Going Gentry!